Tuesday, 27 April 2010

How to tell that you live in a marginal seat

Tally to date of political party fliers:

Greens - 1
Conservatives - 1
Trade Unionists - 2
Labour - 2, plus 1 party political newspaper
Liberal Democrats - 10: 8 professionally printed fliers, 1 photocopied on pink paper, and 1 party political newspaper.

Guess who's SO desperate for my vote that they're starting to annoy me?
And apparently, despite their wailing about needing to be on the UK debates, the SNP aren't actually that bothered about, y'know, getting votes, judging from their lack of any contact.


  1. It's the SNP that are bothering me

  2. You are doing better than us. 4 snp flyers/newsletters and counting. Better yet half our materials are for neighbouring constituency. Few if any candidates on my postal ballot resemble leafletmageddon!


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